Friday, April 18, 2014

The good The Bad and the Ugly

Another day of sorting through crap Bob's "stuff" in the basement.
Another day of me holding items up and saying-- Is this good? Is this Bad? Is this Junk? Is this for a yard sale? Is this valuable?
 And every item Bob telling me what he thought it probably was but not answering the questions of what to do with it..The pile of "put it aside to ask someone else" is now getting larger then the pile for yard sale, Goodwill, or the dump... Sigh....
Today he held up an old egg beater that was in a box of pots and pans and says- "What do you think I should do with this" I said put it in the GoodWill pile... He said- I think I'll try to mix paint with it.  Oy. Wonder what we are painting.

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