Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rub a Dub Dub

We have reached the point where Bob HATES showering. He will put it off for days and because I don't like the battle I let him get away with it.  I decided last weekend I would just wait-- wait and see-- when he would finally take his shower.. It is now 6 days later and he doesnt even think about it. Every single day, twice a day, I casually mention showering. Every single day he says- " I'll do that in the morning".  Its time to take charge of that again and INSIST that he take one. Dont get me wrong- I dont care if he doesn't take one every day-just a few a week..I get the shower ready for him- I set the water- Get his clothes ready etc.. all he has to do is get in- shower- get out -dry off and get dressed.
Funny thing about all of this?  When he was in the beginning stage of Dementia- He would take 3 or 4 showers a day. He would forget he had taken one and next time I turned around he was back in there- A friend said- Enjoy it- because sooner then you think he will be refusing to take one- Well yepper's-- Thats where we are now.  Tonight I told him- Tomorrow we have errands to run- If you want to go you will need to take a shower.  I'll let you know how that turns out. If it was summer- I'd take him swimming-----with a bar of soap.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fah Getta Bout It

I know I've said before that coherent or meaningful conversation doesn't happen with Bob much anymore. Today I was trying to explain to him that the new furnace had to be inspected before a certain date. He kept telling me he had checked it over and it was fine.  The company that installed it did "fine". To which I once again said- NO-- an inspector from the city comes to inspect it for the permit. We HAD to have it done and the deadline was approaching. We went back and forth for several minutes with tempers flaring and me quickly regretting even trying to have the conversation. Why oh Why didnt I just keep my mouth shut and call them with out saying anything-- I finally said-- "You're right- Just forget about it.". To which he replied- "Give me 5 minutes".

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Doctor Doctor -Gave me the news

Bob's Neurologist is retiring in a few months.. 3 years earlier then planned. Changes to the health care system, His lease ending and I'm sure assorted other reasons.
I have to find another Neurologist that is accepting new patients and accepts the insurance we have and that is extremely hard in this town we live in.  I'm saddened that we will have to get used to someone new and that Bob will have to make adjustments to a "new" specialist. IF we can even find one. How long will it take the new Doctor to know Bob well enough to see the changes without me having to explain them all, every single visit etc.
Bob does not handle change well and I see major issues on the horizon.  I would just like one week-- ONE stinkin week-- where I dont have a "problem" to deal with.
I HATE this disease.
Happy Retirement to you thou Doc-- Despite my grumblings here I want you to know how much we have appreciated your care over the last 4 years. We will miss you!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mr Fix it

Back before Bob's diagnosis he could fix just about anything. Now-- Not so much. He breaks things, loses things, destroys things but rarely fixes things anymore.

I received some literature from the doctor and also from the Alzheimer's Association. It say's the average cost a  family can expect to spend on a patient with Alzheimer's is approximately $175,000.

I dont think the average cost is including all of the the stuff I've had to replace or pay to fix since Bob's cognitive impairment started.

Today I threw away an electric razor that was in a Bazillion pieces- a can opener that the blades had been pried off of and a flashlight that had the spring ripped off of the base.

Bob looked at the 3 items laying in the garbage can and said "Those things have too many extra parts"

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Driving me Crazy

Yep- About pushing me over the edge. My patience is being tested and I do believe my last nerve has been stretched to the snapping point.  So many little things adding up over the last few days.
I finally got Bob to settle down this evening but now he is pickin. In the last few weeks he has started picking at his skin on his face to the point where he has caused a few sores.   I've tried saying something every time he raises a hand to his face but I am just repeating myself to no avail. His hand goes back up within a minute or less. I've put something in his hands to side track him- He puts it down to pick.  He obviously has no control over that impulse. I actually sat here and thought about Duct taping oven mitts to his hands..LOL.. Trust me-- he is not so bad off that he couldnt get those off in seconds- LOL. I told him he will give himself an infection if he doesnt stop.. He said-- "I think I already did- I sneezed." I put two small round bandages on the developing sores just as a reminder when his hands go to his face but thats not working either.. He is pickin at the skin around them. Its a Compulsive thing! Now I'm thinking Ski Mask!